Thursday, February 15, 2007

Sour Grapes

In today's Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Joe Starkey goes on a whining rant about how the NHL isn't protecting Sidney Crosby. Apparently Starkey is Lindey Ruff and John Tortorella's long lost cousin.

Lookey here Joe. I think most people will tell you refereeing in general is pretty poor. Even with the two ref system, referees miss more calls than Nicole Richie misses meals. If you watch enough games, you'd notice that too. Also, let's remembr that last year Sid the Kid was diving like Mark Spitz every time he felt contact. Kudos to him for not doing it this year and playing like a man, but he did establish a reputation for himself. He's going to get hit, this isn't some collegiate intramural league. He's also going to get the benefit of some calls, those watching think he might even get plenty as is. Do you expect other teams to treat him like your grandmother? No, he's the best player on the ice and it's smart hockey for other teams to take Sid off his game.

Don't blame the league because the Penguins lack an enforcer. If they had someone like Laraque on the ice, no one would get near Crosby. As Brett Hull stated on Sunday's NBC coverage, look at Yzerman's and Gretzky's numbers when they had protection with them. Maybe they sign a few of 50 cent's bodyguards in the off season.

Joe-Joe, why don't you just sit back on your couch with some nice brie to go with your whine and let the players police themselves.

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As a self-deprecating Ranger fan of twenty years, the team I've loved for so long is not making any progress quickly. Stuck with a lost coach, an MIA GM, and an egomaniac owner who knows less about hockey than Gary Bettman, it appears as though it will be another 41 years until we win another Stanley Cup. So, what are the short term options? To save the the Penguins and move them to the new Barclays Center in Brooklyn! The Penguins are poised to be the next dynasty in sports yet are potentially doomed to be moved to a hillbilly market that will further destroy the image and decrease the popularity of the already floundering NHL. What better for a league in thick turmoil than to move its marquee franchise to the #1 sports market in North America. Think about the profits that could be reaped with Sidney Crosby playing in the #1 media market? With all of Mario Lemieux's concerns in buidling a new arena, he should turn to Brooklyn-the new Nets arena, the Frank Gehry designed Barclays Center will be ready for business in three seasons when the Penguins biggest starts will only be still in their early 20s!Imagine the country's most promising franchise and one of hockey's most exciting teams ever playing in New York City in the most state of the art building in the country. The possibilities are endless.